
When you experience challenges while on your journey to create a family, it may leave you feeling in limbo and uncertain about the future. You may feel your life has been put on hold and that your identity and future are being taken away from you. Struggling with infertility can often be a very isolating experience and create difficulties emotionally, physically and financially. These struggles can also lead to turmoil within ones relationships with his or her partner, family and friends. You need not travel this road alone. Fertility counseling can help in many ways from sorting through your options to helping you cope with the stress of diagnosis and treatments. Creating a family that is right for you may be one of the most overwhelming experiences of your life, while also becoming the most rewarding. Let us work together to bring a light, comfort and hope to your path.


Reproductive Loss

Experiencing a reproductive loss, no matter if it’s during an early or later stage of pregnancy, soon after birth or from an unsuccessful infertility treatment one often experiences intense feelings of despair. The initial response can leave one feeling a sense of emptiness, numb, in a fog, with a difficulty accepting what’s happened, and with a profound sense of sadness. Every person’s grief over a pregnancy loss is completely individual and cannot be compared with another. One person may struggle with feelings of guilt and sadness while another is overwhelmed by anger and envy. Often there is an overreaching sense of loss over one’s dreams mingled with fears over the future. For some who have lost a baby before having announced the pregnancy, may struggle with how to share this news with others. While for others, there can be an overwhelming sense of loneliness as a result of feeling disconnected from one’s friends and family. Your emotional distress may intensify as a result of an onslaught of friends, family, or coworkers announcing pregnancies, running into families with babies or toddlers at every turn, or walking through stores filled with baby clothes. Please know that all of these experiences and emotions are normal and expected following a traumatic loss. Unfortunately, your loss will never fully go away but with time and support it will soften. Reproductive loss will change who you are as it impacts one’s view on how the world should work and highlights our lack of control in life. With time and support, you can once again take care of yourself, learn to cope effectively, achieve acceptance and develop meaning in your experience. My hope for you is that you do not walk through your grief alone. Reach out today and we can work together on your journey to effectively cope with your grief in order to once again welcome joy and happiness in your life. 



Call to schedule a free phone consultation. I am here when you are ready.

